Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Restaurant Critic

I always thought the ideal job would involve traveling and eating for a living: a restaurant critic. Having worked as a short-order cook, concession stand change maker, short-term pizza waitress, telemarketer, paralegal, do-gooder (aka. social worker), and stay-at-home mom, I realize that none of my previous work experience qualifies me to be a restaurant critic. However, I have loved to dine out since the age of two (thank you, Mom), and I love to criticize (as my husband will confirm). I also love to cook, love to eat, and love to cook and eat things I have already eaten at restaurants (figuring out the recipes on my own). I also love to write (especially if I get to use parentheses). Since probably no one will ever actually pay me to be a restaurant critic, I decided to grace society by doing this work pro bono (a.k.a. starting a blog). I am sure society will thank me ... one day.

A good writer is vulnerable with his or her audience. So first, a confession: I love McDonald's fish sandwiches. LOVE THEM. There is a heinous picture of me chowing down on a fish sandwich on the day my husband and I brought our daughter home from the hospital. HEINOUS. But, I also love quiche lorraine and tiramisu. I hope this means I'm eclectic ... rather than indiscriminate.

I have discovered that I am a fastidious person (something everyone else in my life has known for a long, long time). While I have thought of this quality as negative, I have decided to use it for good. It's not that I have to have everything my way, just a certain way. The way that I like things to be. Since this is not always possible at restaurants, I can at least complain about them when they are not, and praise them when they are. How I like them to be.

P.S. Instead of stars, I have decided to use kudzu leaves as the rating system on these reviews. I think this is appropriate, because, not only is kudzu Southern (albeit by adoption), but, like me, it also devours everything in its path.

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